Journal History

Ruwa Jurai: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan was first published on June 1, 2007, in a printed version with LIPI ISSN 1978-6204. The editor in chief is Mr. Karbito, SST, M.Kes.

Ruwa Jurai: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan changes the Editor Teams and the Reviewers Team. The editor in chief is Mr. Prayudhy Yushananta, SKM, MKM.

In the new version (starting at Jully, 2020), we also changed the appearance, journal templates, and starting to use the Open Journal System (OJS), and added the LIPI e-ISSN number 2723-7796. First issue in online version on Volume 14, No 1, 2020 (August 31, 2020).

Since Volume 14, No 1, 2020, all published articles have been indexed on Google Scholar, GARUDA, SINTA, Crossref, Dimensions, and BASE.